Frequently asked questions.

Dreadlock Maintenance.


How much does maintenance cost & how long will it take?

Dreadlock maintenance is charged by the hour so sessions vary in price depending on the level of maintenance required, if you need root maintenance or a complete overhaul, if you have shaved areas or peekaboo dreads this will all contribute to the time needed & the maintenance price so please message me on Facebook or Email for a detailed price/time quote & to book an appointment.

How do I prepare for my Maintenance session?

It is important to use a natural Shampoo with no Silicone, Parabens, Sulphates or Conditioning agents. These shampoos can be purchased from the supermarket or pharmacy but its very essential to read the labels carefully. If in doubt check out Misfit Dreadlocks Wash It shampoo bars they are perfect for dreaded & undreaded hair. It is also very important to come to your appointment with clean, 100% dry dreads, this will speed up the time it takes to maintain your dreads & help your maintenance last longer.

How often should I get maintenance?

For mature dreads I recommend regular 6-8 week root maintenance depending on your hair type & how tidy you like to keep them but its totally personal preference some people like to have regular 6 week appointments others every 6 months.

How often should I wash my dreads?

It is very important to wash your dreads regularly after all the are on your head! Keeping your dreads clean keeps them & you healthy. I always recommend washing once a week, more if you work in dusty or dirty environments. If you find that you have to wash your dreads more then once a week make sure to leave at least 24 hours of dry time between washes, taking into account how long they take to dry I’d say every 3 days would be good. Some helpful tips to remember: Use a residue free natural shampoo, If your using a shampoo bar always lather up the bubbles in your hands first before applying to your hair. If using a liquid shampoo squirt a little into an old empty bottle & mix with some water before applying, this will help to disperse the shampoo evenly over your scalp. Remember what you put in must come out so rinse, rinse, rinse! It’s very important to wash your dreads in the morning so they have all day to dry, the longer they stay wet the greater the chance of getting nasty mildew growing in your hair so keep them dry between washes & make sure the are dry completely before going to bed.

Click here for FAQ about New Dreadlocks, Extensions, Woollen Dreadlocks or to purchase Misfit Dreadlocks Products.